Please report bugs via Request Tracker. Please include perl and Imager versions, library versions and information about the platform you're using.
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- Imager no longer inherits from Exporter (unless you're running an old, old perl.
- Imager can now write progressive JPEGs (it could always read them). RT #68691
Bug fixes:
- re-work, document and test Imager's logging facility. RT #65227
- fix META.yml testing and the generated META.yml RT #65235
- test and add error reporting to to_*() family methods
- add to_rgb_double() method. RT #65101
- Imager no longer exports anything by default RT #65228
- convert colors to grayscale if the supplied (or generated) palette contains only grays when performing error diffusion color translation. RT #68508
- writing a paletted image to GIF wouldn't always use the colors supplied (or generated, eg. via make_colors => "mono"), which was confusing at best. RT #67912
- replace (imager|tony)@imager.perl.org in the doc, since I don't plan to continue receiving mail at that address. RT #68591